The basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma, having histologically distinctive features and appearing in the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract and esophagus. Histological hallmarks are the presence of a basaloid component in intimate association with squamous cell carcinoma. The basaloid component is characterized by tightly packed nests of cells with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromic nuclei without visible nucleoli and an increased mitosis rate. Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma is said to have a higher malignant potential than common oral squamous cell carcinoma with an increased incidence of regional lymph-node metastases and distant metastases. Our finding of a Ki-67 index of 30% and the immunohistochemical demonstration of p53 protein speaks well for enhanced aggressive biological behavior. The differential diagnosis includes the adenoid cystic, mucoepidermoid, neuroendocrine, adenosquamous and conventional oral squamous cell carcinoma. Because of early dissemination, radical surgical treatment and additional radiation therapy are considered necessary. Our findings indicate that partial clinical and histological tumor regression occurs after systemic neoadjuvant chemotherapy.