This report concerns 37 children and teenagers operated upon for intractable seizures between 1990 and 1994. Follow-up is at least 3 years. Fourteen children underwent pure temporal lobe resections; 71% are seizure free, and 93% have a better than 90% decrease in seizure frequency. The presence of a lesion on magnetic resonance imaging, the side of the lesion, or the presence of abnormal pathology had no influence on the result of resection. 28% of the children who had extratemporal resections are seizure free, and 83% have a greater than 90% decrease in seizure frequency. There was a trend to better results in those with a lesion on magnetic resonance imaging. In the small group with temporal plus extratemporal foci, the results were poor with only 60% showing a greater than 90% reduction in seizure frequency.