Iatrogenic and traumatic cerebromeningitis infections are increasing in frequency in the last two decades. Retrospective analysis of 87 patients iatrogenic and traumatic bacterial meningitis were admitted in the Clinic of Infectious Diseases from Iaşi between 1, 01, 1990-31, 12, 1994. Head trauma, lumbar punctures and iatrogenic meningitis infections were the causes cerebromeningitis infections. The diagnosis is usually difficult because of the poor specificity of the clinical signs. Predominant pathogens were gram-negative bacteria and Staphylococcus in iatrogenic meningitis and gram-positive bacteria (S. pneumoniae) in traumatic meningitis. The treatment was based on the use penicillin G + chloramphenicol, 3rd generation cephalosporins and sometimes 2nd generation quinolones. Ten of the 87 patients with iatrogenic and traumatic cerebromeningitis infections died (10.3%).