The mutant p53 gene was transfected into ACHN, a wild-type p53-containing human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell line. The colony forming efficiency in soft agar in the mutant-type p53-transfected cell line (ACHN/MP) was significantly higher than that in the vector-only transfected control cell line (ACHN/C). The anti-Fas monoclonal antibody (CH11) induced apoptosis in the ACHN/C cells in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the effect of CH11 on the ACHN/ MP cells was markedly suppressed. In addition, the cytotoxic effect of CH11 on the ACHN/MP cells was augmented by the pretreatment with interferon- , but the corresponding effect on ACHN/C cells was not. These findings suggest that Fas-mediated therapy could be a novel approach to RCC, if interferon- treatment is added according to the p53 gene status.