It is very important in the clinical practice to identify the individuals with Barrett's esophagus, because they are at risk to develop adenocarcinoma in the columnar epithelium. The objective of this research is to verify the incidence of this specific kind of epithelium at the "Gastrocentro", at State University of Campinas-UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil, among the total of 15,976 upper digestive endoscopies, performed from january of 1992 to December of 1995. From the total examinations performed were identified 2,381 patients (14.9%) presenting reflux esophagitis (grades I-IV, Savary-Miller). Among this group of patients, the endoscopist suspected of Barrett's esophagus in 110 cases (4.6%) and biopsed the distal esophagus. However, only in 85 cases (77.3%) the pathologist confirmed the diagnosis of Barrett's epithelium. The patients with Barrett's esophagus were 53 males (62.3%), presenting the mean age of 52.2 years and the following grades of esophagitis: grade I-33 cases (38.8%); grade II-15 cases (17.7%); grade III-15 cases (17.7%), grade IV-12 cases (14.1%) and without esophagitis-10 cases (11.7%). The incidence of Barrett's esophagus among the patients with reflux esophagitis was 3.57%, and among the total of examinations performed at the "Gastrocentro" during the period of four years was 0.53%, totalizing 22,4 cases/100,000 habitants.