Gicerin is a cell adhesion molecule of an immunoglobulin superfamily member and transiently expressed on the surface of neurons such as retinal ganglion cells during synaptogenesis. Gicerin is a receptor for NOF (neurite outgrowth factor) that belongs to the laminin family, and mediates neurite extension induced by NOF. As we have reported, gicerin also exhibits homophilic cell adhesion activity, we compared the patterns of extending neurites induced by homophilic and heterophilic cell adhesion activities of gicerin using ciliary ganglion (CG) neurons. CG neurons expressed gicerin and extended neurites on a feeder layer of gicerin-transfected cells, suggesting a neurite extension by gicerin-gicerin (homophilic) interaction. We found that CG neurons cultured on gicerin-transfected cells extended slightly branched neurites, while those cultured on NOF-coated substratum extended many long branched neurites. It is suggested that neurites induced by homophilic or heterophilic cell adhesion activities of gicerin differ in the length and branching.