Coexistence of a systemic vasculitis and an epithelioma is rare. The prevalence of malignancies in patients with vasculitis has been estimated at about 5%, with about two thirds hematological malignancies and one third solid tumors, although the actual figure may be higher. We report three cases of vasculitis in patients with solid tumors. A review of the literature yielded 77 additional cases. A total of 56 cases were fully documented. The sex ratio was 1.26, and mean age was 62.5 years. The most common vasculitides were leukocytoclastic vasculitis (33%), polyarteritis nodosa (16.5%) and Henoch-Schönlein purpura. The most common sites of cancer formation were the lung (23%), the digestive system (17.5%) and the kidney (14%). The diagnosis of vasculitis antedated that of cancer in most patients. Radical cancer treatment was often followed by resolution of the vasculitis and vasculitis recurrences occurred concomitantly with tumor recurrences in some patients, suggesting that the vasculitis was a paraneoplastic syndrome. Patients with unexplained chronic vasculitis with or without a history of cancer should undergo extensive investigations for an occult neoplasm.