Injectable treatments for Multiple Sclerosis inspire hope and challenges. Abilities, anxiety levels and acceptance of treatment modalities vary so a creative program and comprehensive care plan combined to meet individual needs. A flexible, two session program developed at the University of Pennsylvania MS Center includes planning, practice, and even "homework" before the initiation of drug therapy. Hints are given to manage anticipated side effects and written instructions supplement product literature. Training focuses on subcutaneous or intramuscular injection technique. Since IM injections require special skills, those prescribed Avonex (beta Interferon la) are given "anatomy lessons"; they ease tension and are fun. Learning is informal, stories are shared and expectations discussed. The patient is encouraged to maintain an informed, active role in his care, adopt a wellness lifestyle and participate fully in goals of treatment. Physical, psychological and cognitive capabilities are assessed. Safety, compliance, and relationship issues are evaluated. Rapport developed during training goes far to promote adherence to therapy, minimize lifestyle disruption and preserve an acceptable quality of life. The nurse as liaison to other professionals, particularly the prescribing physician, facilitates innovative management of treatment issues. Moving patients and carepartners toward self responsibility, informed choices and competent administration of treatments benefits all. New models of care develop and by empowering others, we empower ourselves.