In the present study we analyzed the age-dependent changes of mRNA levels for cytochrome c oxidase and FoF1-ATP synthase subunits in rat cerebral cortex and cerebellum. To establish whether the regulation of expression is transcriptional or post-transcriptional, the results were compared to those related to protein subunits levels, of the same enzymatic complexes, previously observed. The different patterns of age-related changes of mRNA subunits, in particular the lower increments, compared with those related to protein subunits, indicate that post-transcriptional mechanisms of regulation might be involved in the coordinated expression of the various subunits of each complex. Northern blotting analyses of RNA from the cerebellum of rats at the various ages, showed also differences in age-dependent patterns of transcription between cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Moreover, the major age-dependent changes of mitochondrial-encoded subunits, compared with the nuclear-encoded ones, previously observed at proteins level, occur also during transcription.