The latest report of 1996 on human development in the UN development programme (UNDP) states that 130,000 women are raped every year in the industrialized countries. Illegal "violation" is defined as the sexual penetration of any orifice of the body without the victim's consent. The doctor's contribution is essential in order to ascertain this offence. It can be divided into two stages: precise and complete (... missing? ...) information regarding the sexual aggression which might have taken the form of rape. Management of a rape case represents an extremely complex undertaking for the doctor since it involves medical and legal aspects and requires a number of interventions that lead to a rational evaluation and appropriate treatment. In this context, the doctor's role is not only to protect the psychophysical integrity of the victim, but also to contribute, following an early diagnosis of sexual aggression, to the identification of the particulars of an offence which still risks remaining unpunished, owing to the difficulty of diagnosis and in spite of the recent enactment of Law no. 66 on 15 February 1996. The medical record proposed by the authors consists of a descriptive anamnestic part and a graphic part, thus making the evaluation of the victim more rapid and precise. The proposed medical record is subdivided into anamnesis, objective examination, psychological examination, laboratory tests, any consultancy requested and therapy.