A two and a half year-old boy with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC) to the high superior vena cava (SVC) underwent a surgical repair by Vargas' procedure. The SVC was divided above the orifice of the anomalous pulmonary vein and the cephalad end of the SVC was anastomosed to the right atrial (RA) appendage. The anomalous pulmonary venous flow was diverted to the left atrium through the enlarged atrial septal defect using the RA wall only. Post-operative angiography showed no stenosis of pulmonary venous pathway, however, the SVC was compressed by the ascending aorta. Vargas' procedure could be useful for repair of PAPVC to the high SVC, however, care must be taken not to compress the rerouted SVC by the ascending aorta.