Our objective was to evaluate the sonographic features, serum tumor markers in a series of 43 patients with borderline ovarian tumors. At sonographic examination, the majority of borderline tumors were multilocular. Serum CA-125 levels were elevated in 32.1%, CA-19-9 in 17.4%. In contrast, ACE levels were constantly normal. Twenty-four out of 43 patients (55.8%) had serous tumors, 18 (41.9%) had mucinous tumors and 1 (2.3%) had endometrioid tumor. Among, the 43 patients, 9 (20.9%) had first laparotomic approach and 34 had first laparoscopic treatment. Seven out of 34 patients treated by first laparoscopic approach had a laparoconversion (2 for presumption of invasive carcinoma and 5 for failure of laparoscopic procedure). Therefore, 27 had exclusive laparoscopic management. Among the 43 patients, 22 had conservative treatment and 21 radical surgery. The mean follow-up of patients was 41 months. Thirty-seven patients (86.1%) were alive without recurrence, 4 had a recurrence (9.3%), 1 patient (2.3%) was lost to follow-up and the last died of intercurrent disease. The mean delay of recurrence was 22 months (range 6 to 36). Three out of 4 recurrences occurred after cystectomy (2 ipsilateral and 1 controlateral). The fourth recurrence occurred after unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. All 10 second look procedures were negative. Our results point out about the feasibility of laparoscopic management of borderline tumors. However, cystectomy is associated with a high risk of recurrence.