Objectives: This study sought to demonstrate the equivalence of saruplase and streptokinase in terms of 30-day mortality.
Background: The use of thrombolytic agents in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction is well established and has been shown to substantially reduce post-myocardial infarction mortality.
Methods: Three thousand eighty-nine patients with symptoms compatible with those of acute myocardial infarction for < 6 h entered the study at a total of 104 centers and were randomized to receive streptokinase (1.5-MU infusion over 60 min) or saruplase (20-mg bolus and 60-mg infusion over 60 min). In the saruplase group, a bolus of heparin (5,000 IU) was administered before saruplase, and a corresponding blinded double-dummy placebo bolus was administered before streptokinase. All patients received intravenous heparin infusions for > or = 24 h starting 30 min after the end of the thrombolytic infusions; the infusions were titrated to maintain an activated partial thromboplastin time at 1.5 to 2.5 times that of normal.
Results: Death of any cause up to 30 days after randomization occurred in 88 (5.7%) of 1,542 patients randomized to receive saruplase and 104 (6.7%) of 1,547 patients randomized to receive streptokinase (odds ratio 0.84, p < 0.01 for equivalence). Hemorrhagic strokes occurred more often in patients receiving saruplase (0.9% vs. 0.3%), whereas thromboembolic strokes were more prevalent in the streptokinase-treated patients (0.5% vs. 1.0%). The rate of bleeding was similar in the two treatment groups (10.4% vs. 10.9%). Hypotension and cardiogenic shock occurred less frequently in the saruplase group. Reinfarction rates were similar.
Conclusions: Saruplase is a clinically safe and effective thrombolytic medication. This profile ranks saruplase favorably among the currently available thrombolytic agents.