Emphasis on drug safety is increasing as newly developed drugs become more potent. Interest in the prediction and description of drug interactions is growing accordingly. The study of potential interactions at a very early stage of drug development requires suitable in vitro models that describe drug interactions both qualitatively and quantitatively. The purpose of the work described here was to help assess the predictive value of in vitro drug interaction tests with liver microsomes and hepatocytes by means of the interaction between verapamil and cimetidine. The in vitro inhibition of verapamil metabolism by cimetidine observed during the studies was quantitatively similar to the results reported in published clinical studies after intravenous application. Studies using liver microsome fractions showed that the intrinsic clearances for the formation of various metabolites could be used to predict drug interactions. In addition, work with hepatocyte cultures revealed that an in vitro system covering both phase I and phase II reactions should be included in such studies to permit quantitative prediction of the various metabolic pathways. Both human hepatocyte cultures and human microsomes offer certain advantages for predicting the degree of drug metabolism and interactions in humans at the biotransformation level. Therefore, it seems likely that the simultaneous application of both systems will yield conclusions that most closely approximate the situation in humans.