PIP: The desire to investigate whether use of oral contraceptives (OCs) by female adolescents leads to sexual promiscuity and to analyze the expressed attitudes on family and peer relationships, religiousness, self-esteem, and sex before and after OC use led to a study of 192 females ages 15-20 attending a youth medical clinic to obtain OCs in Los Angeles. 96 had been using OCs for 6-8 months (After group) and 96 were just beginning to use (Before group). The after group exhibited a higher frequency of sexual intercourse (p greater than .05). However, both groups desired the same number of sexual partners. While subjects in both groups were neutral about peers and religion, they both expressed positive feelings about theri family. 72% of the before group and 56% of the after group subjects indicated that their parents would disapprove of their sexual behavior (p less than .05). 85% of the former and 90.6% of the latter had positive feelings about their sexual behavior. Subjects in this study demonstrated by their responses positive feelings supporting restraint as opposed to permissiveness of sexual activity during OC activity.