Background: In human colon, binding of the lectin Amaranthus caudatus has been considered to be a marker of cellular proliferation and malignant progression. We studied regional amaranthin binding in rat colon and correlated this with physiologic manipulations of proliferation.
Methods: Binding of amaranthin in segments of proximal and distal colon was studied in starved, refed, and control Wistar rats and was compared to tritiated thymidine labeling and proliferating cell nuclear-antigen expression.
Results: Amaranthin bound mainly to cells in the lower crypt of distal colon and midcrypt of proximal colon, paralleling the distribution of proliferative markers. Binding occurred in the supranuclear region in distal colon and the pericellular membrane in proximal colon. Starvation/refeeding was associated with a change in amaranthin binding intensity in distal colon, but not in proximal colon.
Conclusion: The pattern of amaranthin binding during starvation/refeeding seems to reflect physiologic changes in several areas of the colon.