Parathyroid hormone induces collagenase-3 gene transcription in rat osteoblastic cells. Here, we characterized the basal, parathyroid hormone regulatory regions of the rat collagenase-3 gene and the proteins involved in this regulation. The minimal parathyroid hormone-responsive region was observed to be between base pairs -38 and -148. Deleted and mutated constructs showed that the activator protein-1 and the runt domain binding sites are both required for basal expression and parathyroid hormone activation of this gene. The runt domain site is identical to an osteoblast-specific element-2 or acute myelogenous leukemia binding sequence in the mouse and rat osteocalcin genes, respectively. Overexpression of an acute myelogenous leukemia-1 repressor protein inhibited parathyroid hormone activation of the promoter, indicating a requirement of acute myelogenous leukemia-related factor(s) for this activity. Overexpression of c-Fos, c-Jun, osteoblast-specific factor-2, and core binding factor-beta increased the response to parathyroid hormone of the wild type (-148) promoter but not with mutation of either or both the activator protein-1 and runt domain binding sites. In summary, we conclude that there is a cooperative interaction of acute myelogenous leukemia/polyomavirus enhancer-binding protein-2-related factor(s) binding to the runt domain binding site with members of the activator protein-1 transcription factor family binding to the activator protein-1 site in the rat collagenase-3 gene in response to parathyroid hormone in osteoblastic cells.