Since the first patient with partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 10 was described in 1978, another 23 cases have been reported, with the breakpoint ranging from 10q23.3-26.2. To contribute further to the delineation of the monosomy 10qter syndrome, we describe a female child who, at age 3 6/12 years, was diagnosed with a de novo deletion of the long arm of chromosome 10, with a breakpoint in 10q25.3. The phenotypic manifestations in this child are compatible with those of previously reported cases. However, in contrast to most other patients, we found a moderate expression of the syndrome, with no genitourinary or cardiac malformations and with only mild retardation. Based on our observations and those of others, we conclude that a typical craniofacial appearance and varying degrees of psychomotor retardation are always found in patients with 10q- syndrome.