This study was designed in order to assess whether the Iwasaki-Hayashi (IH) catheter can be fixed to the uterine cervix easily and successfully during transcervical fallopian tube recanalization (T-FTR) with fluoroscopic guidance, to try T-FTR in special cases, and to investigate the success rate. The study included 21 infertile women with tubal obstruction, diagnosed by hysterosalpingography examined at least twice to exclude tubal spasm. Using the IH catheter, which proved to be very useful, higher therapeutic efficacy could be obtained. A patient with unilateral proximal tubal obstruction became pregnant following natural fertilization in the fallopian tube which had been recanalized by T-FTR. The success rate of recanalization, the pregnancy rate and the take-home-baby rate were 95.2%/patient, 19.0 and 19.0%, respectively.