Methods: Personal experience in videolaparoscopic treatment of 42 ovarian masses during the period September 1991-December 1995 is reported. Seven patients have been operated in emergency, 35 in election. Resection of the masses has been performed by two methods: dissection and electrocoagulation, generally preferred in benign functional cysts; resection by stapler (endo GIA).
Results: In 5 of the patients operated in emergency an hemoperitoneum was found because of the rupture of ovarian cyst; in the other two cases, respectively, a necrotic benign cyst twisted on the adnexal axis and a dermoid cyst twisted and necrotic too were found. In the 35 patients operated in election, 33 benign cysts, 1 serous cystoadenoma 1 granulosa tumour were observed. Postoperative course was always excellent, with no painful symptomatology and hospital-stay and convalescence extremely reduced (dismission from hospital approx two days after the operation).
Conclusions: The different aspects which must be evaluated before choosing mini-invasive treatment are discussed. An accurate preoperative study especially by sonography and serous hormonal dosage (in particular CA 125), besides good surgical experience of the operator, are fundamental requisites in order to minimize risks of this procedure and guarantee excellent results.