The effectiveness of movement or color has not been well studied in assessing stereopsis in patients with strabismus. We developed a new stereotest equipped with both a monochromatic dynamic random dot stereogram (DRDS) and a static-colored stereogram (SCS) and examined the stereopsis of patients with strabismus. Three-dimensional (3D) images were displayed on a liquid crystal display equipped with a parallax barrier system, allowing 3D images to be seen independently by each eye without glasses. A DRDS with maximum disparity of 3200 seconds of arc was displayed having front-rear movement. An SCS displaying cartoon characters with disparities of 400 seconds of arc was also tested and compared with the Titmus stereotest. A total of 52 strabismic patients were tested. The DRDS showed a significantly higher (P = 0.02) detection rate of stereopsis (39/52, 75%) as compared with the Titmus fly test (28/52, 54%). The SCS did not show any difference in the stereopsis detection rate (24/521, 46%) when compared with the Titmus animal test (20/52, 38%). Thus, the DRDS was useful in detecting stereopsis in patients without stereopsis on the conventional Titmus fly test, while the SCS did not show any difference when compared with the Titmus animal test. The DRDS may examine a different aspect of stereopsis from the static stereopsis measured by the Titmus stereotest or SCS.