The right gastroepiploic artery (RGEA) has been utilized as the bypass conduit on the inferior surface of the heart with a minimally invasive approach. Fourteen patients had reoperative coronary bypass surgery for severely symptomatic single-vessel disease of the right coronary artery. All surgeries were performed since May 1996. A small mid-line incision including splitting of the lower sternum gave excellent exposure. The inferior surface of the heart was dissected to expose and stabilize the target vessel. The heart rate was controlled with a diltiazem drip. Cardiopulmonary bypass was not necessary in any case. The right coronary artery was bypassed in three patients, the posterior descending artery branch in ten patients, and the terminal circumflex of the left coronary artery in one. After grafting, patency of the anastomosis was demonstrated by Doppler echocardiogram. Two patients had left anterior descending artery (LAD) grafts with LIMA (left mammary artery) and RGEA grafts performed simultaneously with two port access incisions. No patient had perioperative mortality or complications. No patient had recurrent angina. Doppler color echocardiographic imaging studies before discharge confirmed patency of the graft in 13 of 14 cases. In one case, the gastroepiploic artery could not be visualized. Angiographic visualization was positive in seven cases; seven patients were not studied yet. The gastroepiploic artery is an excellent conduit for vascularization of the inferior aspect of the heart. The operation can be done with a minimally invasive technique and without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. This approach seems especially applicable in selective reoperative cases.