A total of 105 patients with fracture of the neck of the ring or little metacarpal bone were randomized to receive three different types of treatment: dorso-ulnar plaster-of-Paris from the proximal interphalangeal joint to elbow; functional brace around the wrist; or elastic bandage. Twenty patients (19%) had to be excluded for different reasons leaving 85 patients in the study. The remaining patients were examined after 4 weeks and 3 months. There was no difference in patient satisfaction between the three different types of treatment. The functional brace was in our opinion superior to the two other types of treatment: the patients had as little pain as the patients treated with plaster-of-Paris and less pain than patients treated with elastic bandage. Patients treated with a functional brace mobilized as fast as patients treated with elastic bandage and faster than patients treated with plaster-of-Paris. Based on these findings, we recommend the functional brace for treatment of fractures of the neck of the ring and little metacarpals.