Several tools are available for the evaluation of the exposure to asbestos, particularly occupational questionnaire and mineralogical analysis of biological samples. These analysis allow quantification of the level of retention of asbestos fibres in the respiratory tract. Two groups of analysis may be used: quantification of asbestos bodies in sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or lung tissue samples using light microscopy; quantification and identification of asbestos fibres in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or lung tissue using analytical electron microscopy. Profiles of lung retention of asbestos bodies or asbestos fibres have been described in various asbestos-related disorders, and reference values are available in control populations mainly for asbestos bodies using light microscopy. Mineralogical analysis of biological samples is not required for compensation of occupational asbestos-related diseases. However, this type of analysis may prove to be useful to the chest physician when looking for the etiology of some nonspecific respiratory diseases (interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer), particularly when the occupational questionnaire is not contributive. As they are quite easier and less expensive, analysis using light microscopy will be performed first.