To estimate the prevalence of urinary stone disease in Koreans, and to determine the inter-relationships between urinary stone disease and various epidemiological factors, 1,521 controls and 1,177 cases with urinary stones were evaluated. Of special interest in this study were: 1) proportion of past urinary stone history among controls; 1.9% 2) the point prevalence rate of urinary stones among controls; 0.2% 3) the recurrence rate of urinary stones (the proportion of past history of urinary stone) among cases; 56.8% 4) high incidences (76.3%) in the thirties to the fifties among cases 5) the risk factors for urolithogenesis; obesity [higher than 25 of BMI (body mass index, weight/height2)], more than 10 year-experience as a production worker, past stone history, familial stone history, low physical activity (< 2,000 Kcal/day), and low intake of fruit. However, the well-known risk factors for urinary stones; over intake of meat or fish and milk or dairy products, perspiration, amount and kind of drinking water, and stress unexpectedly were not significantly different between the controls and the cases.