Molecular genetics will continue to help us to make precise diagnoses. At present, the expertise to achieve this for a specific disease is often exclusive to one unit with a research interest. It will be important to establish a coordinated approach at a supraregional level to provide molecular diagnosis for rare disorders as a fast reliable clinical service. In addition understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease is likely to direct a search for new treatments. For instance, calcium channel blockers have been used in nesidoblastosis to reduce the hypersecretion of insulin, as a result of the recognition of the role that calcium has in the function of the beta-cell ATP sensitive K+ channel. Although the potential benefits of hGH are now being clearly defined in a range of growth disorders, the treatment is invasive and expensive. It is likely that future endocrine therapeutic developments could include slow release growth hormone preparations, orally active growth hormone mimetics, or even hormone production from an ectopic viral cDNA vector. The next "advances in endocrinology" will also reveal whether leptin will have a therapeutic role in appetite control or even the modulation of pubertal development.