Background/aims: Clinical aspects and preneoplastic potential of Zenker's diverticulum justify its surgery. The clinical signs of the patients and the size of the diverticulum determine the surgical technique.
Methodology: Between January 1974 and December 1995, 32 patients underwent surgery in our department. In order to compare the surgical technique, we divided the patients into 3 groups: group A (cricopharyngeus myotomy: 15 patients (46.9%)), group B (myotomy with diverticulectomy: 15 patients (46.9%)) and group C (myotomy with diverticulopexy: 2 patients (6.7%)). The chi-square test was used for statistical analysis, p < 0.05.
Results: Local or regional anaesthesia was used in 7 patients from group A (46.6%); 5 patients from group B (33.3%) and all the patients from group C (100%). General anaesthesia was used in 8 patients from group A (53.4%), 10 patients from group B (66.7%) and 0 patients from group C (0%). The overall mortality was 0%. The mean postoperative stay in group A was 6 +/- 2 days (3-10 days); in group B was 11.6 +/- 6.4 days (5-25 days) and in group C was 3.5 +/- 0.7 days (3-4 days). The mean postoperative stay in patients with local or regional anaesthesia was 5.3 +/- 1.6 days (3-9 days) and in patients with general anaesthesia, 10.9 +/- 6.1 days (4-25 days). No statistically significant difference was found between the anaesthetic technique and the surgical technique (p = 0.193), between the surgical technique and the mean postoperative stay (p = 0.596) and between the anaesthetic technique and the mean postoperative stay (p = 0.166).
Conclusions: Cricopharyngeus myotomy is the main surgical technique, however, in diverticula longer than 3 cm of diameter it is mandatory to associate diverticulectomy. Diverticulopexy is indicated in patients of advanced age with a high surgical risk. Local or regional anaesthesia facilitates the identification of the diverticulum intraoperatively and reduce the mean postoperative stay, however, there is no statistical significant difference.