ESR and U-series analyses of teeth from the palaeoanthropological site of Hexian which contained Homo erectus remains, illustrate the limited effectiveness of stand-alone ESR and U-series age estimates on faunal materials. The problem lies in the unknown U-uptake history causing very large uncertainties in the age results of both techniques. This study demonstrates the particular strength that lies in the integration of ESR and U-series dating analyses allowing the estimation of the U-uptake history. We obtained a combined ESR/U-series age estimate of 412 +/- 25 ka (average of six analyses on two teeth). This pinpoints the deposition of the faunal remains to the time of the transition between oxygen isotope stages 12 and 11. This is in agreement with the faunal composition which show a mixture of cold adapted northern mammals and more subtropical-tropical southern elements. The age also implies that the advanced Hexian Homo erectus occurred at a similar time as the less advanced Homo erectus specimens at Locality 1 at Zhoukoudian (LI-LIII).