The purpose of this study was to determine the factors which were responsible for delaying early diagnosis and optimal management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Korea. We interviewed 109 outpatients diagnosed as RA being treated by rheumatologists, and we eventually analyzed 98 patients' data. The median length of time from symptom onset to the first visit to a medical doctor, to diagnosis, and visiting a rheumatologist were 8 weeks, 23 weeks, and 42 months respectively. The subspecialist with whom the patients consulted with for the longest time before visiting a rheumatologist were an orthopaedic surgeon for 51 patients, a Chinese herbal doctor for 19 patients, and a pharmacist for 16 patients. For early diagnosis and optimal management of RA in Korea, we believe that it is necessary to reduce the use of unconventional medical services such as Chinese herbal medicine and nonprescribed medication, and to emphasize rheumatologic and rehabilitative care in the early stage.