Photosensitivity is a main criterion for the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (LE), and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous LE. Patients with a tentative diagnosis of LE are routinely tested for skin lesion development after experimental UV irradiation, providing an ideal opportunity to evaluate early, preclinical events involved in the pathogenesis of LE. Several reports have shown expression of the cytokine-inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in autoimmune diseases. Therefore, we investigated the role of iNOS expression at mRNA and protein level in the pathogenesis of LE lesions. Skin biopsies from patients with different subtypes of LE were examined, and iNOS expression was found in six of 18 biopsies from cutaneous LE patients and two of three biopsies from systemic LE patients. In biopsies taken 4-20 d after UV irradiation, epidermal iNOS expression was seen in all patients (n = 10) after UVB and in four of 10 patients provoked by UVA. In healthy controls (n = 8) epidermal iNOS expression was detected 24 h after UV irradiation, persisting for another day before subsiding on day 3. In LE patients (n = 8) the exact reverse situation was seen: an iNOS-specific signal was undetectable in keratinocytes for 2 d after UV irradiation, but became positive on day 3 and persisted for up to 25 d in the evolving skin lesions. Our findings demonstrate a time-restricted, UV-induced iNOS expression in human skin; moreover, the results indicate that both the kinetics of iNOS induction as well as the time span of local iNOS expression may be critical to the development of cutaneous LE lesions.