We investigate the visual performance associated with adaptation to a daily wear soft contact lens on the human eye. For this purpose, we used four parameters, one of which was an objective parameter, while the rest were subjective parameters. The objective parameter was a single quality parameter, a Merit function (Mf) derived from the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the overall [eye + contact lens] system The subjective parameters were the visual acuity (VA), the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and the standard adaptation criterion of Terry et al. (1993). The normality criterion for the MTF was determined by evaluating the fluctuations of the Mf over a day in five emmetropic observers. Fluctuations with no statistically significant differences in the merit function (p > 0.05) and their standard deviation (8%) defined our standard criterion. The CSF and the VA were similarly measured (for emmetropic observers). The results obtained with emmetropic observers allowed us to establish a standard criterion for the evaluation parameters we propose. When this criterion is applied to daily soft wear disposable contact lenses, their performance proves to be good, since both the objective (MTF) and the subjective parameters (CSF, VA, adaptation criterion) always lie within the range defined by our criterion.