Taking parts of sesamoids in several arthroosteopathies of 160 males and 156 females in the retrospective study were investigated. On the comparative dorsi-plantar, oblique, inversion and eversion pedal plain films could demonstrate bony hypotrophy and hypertrophy of sesamoids in 124 (39.55%) of 316 subjects. Until the dorsi-plantar radiographs were obtained with 15 degrees cephalic tube angulation, then the oblique, inversion and eversion ones were unangled. Radiographically the sesamoid osteopathies were divided into mild (grade 1, 36 of 124 cases), moderate (grade 2, 44 of 124 cases) and severe (grade 3, 44 of 124 cases) forms. The affictions involved the constant sesamoid bones of forefeet (1st and 5th metatarsophalangeal joints) exclusively. Sesamoid osteopathy was clinically specified by the serious locomotive pain of ball of the feet as well unfavourable chances against conservative treatment.