The goal of the present study was to develop and evaluate algorithms for non-invasive, real-time, beat-to-beat monitoring of stroke index (SI), blood pressure (BP) and total peripheral resistance index (TPRI) which has a menu-driven interface, suitable for routine use by unskilled staff. In addition, it was our aim to include a meta-analysis for the evaluation of autonomic function derived from the above haemodynamic data. This includes spectral analysis of heart rate (HR), BP, SI and TPRI and the automatic calculation of baroreceptor reflex sensitivity. Impedance cardiography was used for beat-to-beat SI determination, Finapres corrected by an oscillometric blood pressure measurement (Dinamap) on the upper arm for beat-to-beat BP measurement. We demonstrate noise free recordings during physiological (head up tilt) and pharmacological intervention (alpha 1-, beta 2-adrenoreceptor agonists, insulin induced hypoglycemia). The newly developed software should prove valuable for physiological, pharmacological and clinical studies.