The dichotomy between the doses at which experimental measurements of genetic effects can be made and the doses to which people are exposed is often different by two or more orders of magnitude. This presents a significant problem when determining the effects of low doses of radiation or chemicals. The solution has usually involved extrapolating the data by curve-fitting or by applying theoretical considerations. Both approaches are unsatisfactory due to uncertainties of the assumptions used in each process. The alternative solution has been to increase the sample size enormously at the lower doses. This is impractical beyond a certain point due to the variation in the spontaneous frequency and the need to quadruple the sample size for a doubling of precision. The development of new methods for measuring stable genetic effects, however, permits a simple and effective approach to this problem: if the genetic events being detected have no effect on survival, i.e., are selectively neutral, then the effects of multiple independent treatments will be additive. If the independent treatments are identical, then the effect of each is easily calculated by dividing the total effect by the number of treatments. Here we report a limited test of this approach using mice. Chromosome aberrations induced in lymphocytes and Dlb-1 mutations induced in the small intestine were measured after daily doses of 0.64, 1.85 or 5.5 cGy 137Cs gamma rays administered for 21, 42 or 63 days. The dose response curve for chromosome translocations obtained in this way, combined with the data from single larger acute doses, shows no evidence for a threshold over a 500-fold dose range. Dlb-1 mutations were increased at each dose and time but the results do not permit reliable extrapolations. The results suggest that translocations might be useful for quantifying the effect of doses below 0.05 cGy and that the effect of dose rate and dose fractionation at much lower doses than reported here could be investigated.
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