The vervet monkey rotavirus SA11, a prototype strain of group A rotaviruses, has been shown to possess VP7 serotype 3 specificity but its neutralization specificity with regard to the other outer capsid protein VP4 has not been elucidated. We thus determined its VP4 specificity by two-way cross-neutralization with guinea pig antiserum prepared with a single gene substitution reassortant that had only the VP4-encoding gene from the simian rotavirus SA11 strain and remaining ten genes from human rotavirus DS-1 strain (G serotype 2). The SA11 VP4 was related antigenically in a one-way fashion to rhesus monkey rotavirus MMU18006 VP4 (a P5B strain) and marginally to human and canine rotavirus VP4s with P serotype 5A specificity. In addition, the SA11 VP4 was shown to be distinct antigenically from those of other known P serotypes (1-4, and 6-11) as well as those of uncharacterized equine, lapine, and avian rotavirus strains. The SA11 VP4 is thus proposed for classification as a P5B serotype.