The changes in the expression of glycoconjugates and adhesion molecules were studied by selective lectin binding and immunocytochemical reactions in a human embryonic epithelial cell line (EUE cells), synchronized in the cell phases. The results can be summarized as follows: most of the tested lectins display a more diffuse binding for the cytoplasm in G1 than S and G2 phases; in the S and particularly in G2 phases the cytoplasm glycoconjugates are arranged around the nucleus; cells in mitosis always show a strong binding towards all tested lectins. Cellular fibronectin and its receptor beta 1 integrin are well expressed in G1, but the strongest reaction is observed in the S phase. The immunoreactions for laminin and uvomorulin (L-CAM) are poorly positive in all cell cycle phases. The immunocytochemical reaction for heparan sulfate is positive, with a stronger reaction in S and G2 than G1; on the contrary a diffuse staining with the anti-dermatan sulfate proteoglycan antibody appears unchanged during the cell cycle.