With an increasing incidence, prostate cancer has become the most common cancer in males in the USA. In Germany, 20,000 new cases of prostate cancer were detected in 1995. Only organ confined prostate cancer is curable. Therefore the main intention of screening is an increasing detection rate of clinically significant tumors in time. Cancer specific mortality and morbidity should be decreased by screening. Whether screening can actually achieve this has to be proven in prospective randomized trials, which have only been started recently. Therefore, valid results cannot be expected before the year 2007. Different trials revealed the combination of digital rectal examination and the measurement of prostate specific antigen to be the most useful tools in screening at present. In conclusion, at present, the recommendation is an urological examination once a year in men from 45-50 (depending on risk) to 70-75 years of age--if the patient agrees to the possible diagnostic and therapeutic consequences.