Approximately 20 to 30% of patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and focal glomerulosclerosis experience a relapse of their nephrotic syndrome after transplantation. Previously, it has been shown that ex vivo immunoadsorption on protein A strongly (although transiently) reduces proteinuria in relapsing patients. To investigate whether the factor(s) that give rise to albuminuria are bound directly to protein A in the immunoadsorption procedure or are part of a complex with Ig, four patients with relapse of focal glomerulosclerosis presenting as nephrotic syndrome after transplantation were treated, sequentially, using a (non-protein A) anti-Ig affinity column and a protein A column. This study reports that the effect on proteinuria of immunoadsorption using an anti-Ig immunoaffinity column is comparable in its magnitude and kinetics to that of immunoadsorption on protein A. The two procedures were also equally effective in depleting the relapsing patients' plasma of a factor capable of altering the albumin permselectivity of isolated glomeruli in vitro. This study demonstrates for the first time that immunoglobulins have a role in the nephrotic syndrome. In addition, the fact that the two different immunoadsorption procedures both resulted in the removal of the same putative albuminuric factor in these patients and that no autoreactivity of eluted immunoglobulins was observed on human tissues strongly suggests that the factor or factors that may be responsible for immediate nephrotic syndrome after transplantation are bound to an immunoglobulin. However, no firm evidence can be yet provided against a direct role of immunoglobulins.