Carcinoid tumors are potentially malignant neoplasms that arise in various body sites, including the lung and gastrointestinal tract. Those that appear cytologically atypical are more likely to behave aggressively than more typical carcinoid tumors. However, in the absence of cytological atypia or large tumor size, it is difficult to predict the biology of an individual tumor, because some lesions metastasize, whereas others do not. This study had four aims: (1) To study the expression pattern of p53, Ki-67, NCAM, and S-100 in carcinoid tumors and to relate these expression patterns to classical histopathologic features and to tumor location. (2) To identify nonhistological markers that might more accurately predict the early behavior of carcinoid tumors. (3) To determine whether sustentacular cells are present in carcinoid tumors arising in tissues derived from different embryological derivatives. (4) To determine the synaptophysin and chromogranin immunoreactivity in neuroendocrine tumors arising in various locations. The immunostaining reactions were quantitatively scored by three observers. Only 3 of the 39 tumors (all histologically atypical) were strongly positive for Ki-67; two of these were also strongly p53 immunoreactive. NCAM immunostaining differed according to the site of origin: 76.5% of foregut lesions, 58% of the midgut lesions, and 20% of hindgut lesions were positive. S-100 immunostaining ranged from 41% in foregut lesions to 50% in both the hindgut- and midgut-derived tumors. S-100-positive sustentacular cells were present in 20.5% of carcinoid tumors. All tumors stained with antibodies against synaptophysin. In contrast, 100% of midgut, 60% of hindgut, and 88% of foregut tumors were chromogranin positive. Carcinoid tumors tend to have low proliferative rates. p53 immunostaining tends to be strongly positive in tumors that are histologically atypical, but it is negative in typical carcinoid tumors arising in the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Immunostaining reactions with antibodies to NCAM, S-100, and chromogranin differ depending on the site of origin. Synaptophysin stains 100% of carcinoid tumors regardless of their site of origin. In contrast, antibodies to chromogranin fail to stain 40% of hindgut tumors and 12% of foregut carcinoid tumors. S-100-positive sustentacular cells are present in foregut and midgut tumors but not in hindgut tumors.