Corticobasal degeneration (C.B.D.) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized mainly by an asymmetrical a kineto-rigid syndrome associated with fronto-parietal cortical signs, particularly apraxia. Conventional imaging even magnetic resonance imaging (M.R.I.) has often been considered as poorly contributive for the diagnosis of C.B.D. We retrospectively studied routinely performed M.R.I. scans of 15 patients presenting a clinical and metabolic (P.E.T/S.P.E.C.T.) syndrome characteristic of probable C.B.D. M.R.I. scans were assessed by 3 investigators, not aware of the clinically most affected side, taking into account M.R.I. technical parameters. We quantified, on each side, the cortical atrophy (frontal, parietal and temporal) and the white matter changes, by using the semi-quantified method of Victoroff et al. (1994). Abnormalities were considered if observed by at least 2 of the 3 investigators. Abnormalities were then correlated with the side initially and most severely affected. The most contributive findings were the asymmetric parietal atrophy (clinically correlated in 93 p. 100 of cases), asymmetric frontal atrophy (clinically correlated in 60 p. 100) and asymmetric dilatation of the lateral ventricles (clinically correlated in 60 p. 100). 80 p. 100 of affected subjects displayed at least 2 of these M.R.I. abnormalities. These results are in accordance with the metabolic and pathologic features of C.B.D. This study demonstrates that M.R.I. evaluation of the cortical atrophy asymmetry may contribute to the diagnosis of C.B.D.