The aim of this study was to investigate whether the previously observed adaptive changes in the monoaminergic receptors in post-mortem brains of depressed suicide victims are associated with alteration in some functional proteins involved in serotonergic neuronal signalling, namely PKC and GAP-43. Selected regions from ten brains of antidepressant-free depressed suicide victims and ten matched controls were used to examine the levels of GAP-43 protein, GAP-43 mRNA and PKC isoenzymes by Western blotting with monoclonal antibodies specific for these proteins. A major finding of the study was a significant decrease in GAP-43 protein levels and its mRNA expression in prefrontal cortex (BA9) (by 24% and 34%, respectively) of suicide brains compared to controls. No significant changes were found in GAP-43 protein or its mRNA in frontopolar cortex (BA10), amygdala, substantia nigra or putamen. Levels of PKC isoenzymes had a heterogenous regional distribution but were not significantly altered in any of the regions examined. Given the role of GAP-43 in the establishment and reorganization of synaptic connections, the finding of selective reduction of this protein in prefrontal cortex suggests that a dysfunctional synaptic organization in this region may be associated with depression and suicidal behaviour. This study provides the first evidence of an alteration in a protein related to the neuronal plasticity in the brain of depressed suicide victims.