Eosinophils and their products are important in the pathophysiology of allergic inflammation in mucosal tissues. Secretory component bound to IgA mediates transepithelial transport of IgA and confers increased stability on the resultant secretory IgA; however, the effect of secretory component on the biologic activity of IgA is unknown. Here, we report that secretory IgA and secretory component preferentially activate human eosinophils. When eosinophils were stimulated with immobilized secretory IgA, degranulation and superoxide production were two- to threefold greater than when stimulated with serum IgA. In contrast, neutrophils responded similarly to secretory IgA and serum IgA. Flow cytometric analysis showed that eosinophils bound to purified secretory component. The binding of 125I-labeled secretory component was inhibited by unlabeled secretory component or secretory IgA but not by serum IgA. Superoxide production by eosinophils stimulated with cytokines or IgG was enhanced synergistically by immobilized secretory component; secretory component showed no effect on neutrophil activation. Finally, anti-CD18 mAb abolished eosinophil superoxide production stimulated with secretory IgA or secretory component but not with serum IgA, suggesting a crucial role for beta2 integrins in eosinophil interactions with secretory IgA or secretory component. Thus, secretory component plays important roles in activating eosinophil functions but not neutrophil functions. This preferential interaction between secretory component and eosinophils may provide a novel mechanism to regulate mucosal tissue inflammation.