The effects of vinpocetine (Cavinton) on the cerebral glucose metabolism of chronic stroke patients are studied with positron emission tomography. The regional and global cerebral metabolic rates of glucose (CMRglu) and the kinetic constants related to them are quantified before and after single-dose intravenous vinpocetine treatment. These measurements are completed with transcranial Doppler sonography and single photon emission computed tomography to explore the possible mechanisms underlying the resulting changes in glucose uptake and metabolism in the brain. The authors' findings indicate that a single-dose vinpocetine treatment, although it does not affect significantly the regional or global metabolic rates of glucose, improves significantly the transport of glucose (both uptake and release) through the blood-brain barrier in the whole brain, the entire contralateral hemisphere, and in the brain tissue around the infarct area of the symptomatic hemisphere. These changes are in accord with increased blood flow in the entire contralateral hemisphere as well as decreased blood flow velocity and increased peripheral vessel resistance in the entire symptomatic hemisphere.