Transgenic mice expressing heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) using the neuron-specific enolase promoter were impaired in learning the Morris water maze compared to nontransgenic littermates. The memory of the HO-1 mice for the location of the platform was similarly impaired when tested using a probe trial after 7 training blocks, but performance on visible platform trials was similar for both groups of mice. Importantly, both HO-1 and nontransgenic mice had normal sensorimotor function, and performed the same on a Y-maze alternation task, highlighting the specificity of memory deficit in the spatial navigation task. These results suggest that carbon monoxide, one product of HO-1 activity, interferes in the development of spatial navigation memory, and may play a role in normal memory function.
Copyright 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.