Despite recent advances, the contribution of medical imaging techniques is limited, particularly in terms of tissue characterization, in the diagnosis of pulmonary nodules and search for extension of bronchogenic cancer. The metabolic properties of the glucose analog deoxyglucose labeled with 18F1 would allow metabolic imaging. Positron emission tomography (PET) provides clinicians with quality images with an interesting sensitivity. We report the results of a feasibility study conducted in our first 17 patients. We observed 14 true positives, 1 true negative and 1 false positive and 1 false negative in patients with a malignant primary lesion. We analyzed the causes of error. Ten disseminated localizations were identified. Possible developments in terms of therapeutic strategy are discussed. The agreement between our findings and data reported in the literature prompted us to develop a study protocol using 18-fluorodeoxyglucose PET in patients with bronchogenic cancer.