The aim of this study was to see whether the results of surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by laparoscopic fundoplication were satisfactory and stable over time.
Patients and methods: From July 1992 to September 1996, 161 patients with medical treatment-dependent GERD were operated. 17 patients were excluded from the study (conversion or immediate laparotomy). The group of 144 patients included consisted of 92 men and 52 women with a mean age of 50 (25-77 years). The preoperative work-up included endoscopy, esophageal manometry and 24-hour pH monitoring. The surgical procedures were complete fundoplication without section of the short vessels (Nissen-Rossetti: 122 cases), with section of the shorts vessels (Nissen: 18 cases), or partial fundoplication of 270 degrees (Toupet: 4 cases). The patients were reviewed clinically 3 months after the operation, with repeat manometry and pH monitoring; yearly survey was performed.
Results: There was no postoperative mortality. The morbidity consisted of 2 respiratory complications (1.5%) with good recovery. With a follow-up of 3 and 21 months, the dysphagia rate was 24 vs 2% of patients (p < 0.05), the rate of gas bloat syndrome was 18% vs 21% (n.s.), and the GERD recurrence 6% vs 14% (p < 0.05). The mean time to recurrence was 8 months. 2 patients were reoperated: one for incisional hernia and one for slipped-Nissen.
Conclusion: The results of laparoscopic treatment of GERD with fundoplication procedures at 2 years follow-up showed an 86% cure rate of GERD control and 94% satisfaction rate for the patients who were investigated.