Three molecules, interleukin 1 (IL-1) receptor I (IL-1RI), IL-1 receptor II (IL-1RII or decoy) and IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1R AcP or IL-1RIII), are involved in IL-1 binding and signal transduction. In addition, three homologous genes (T1/ST2, MyD88 and rsc786) have been identified. Expression of the signal transducing type I R and of the decoy type II R in human monocytes is regulated by pro- and anti-inflammatory signals. The present study was designed to evaluate comprehensively how a prototypic pro-inflammatory signal, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), affects expression of IL-1R family members in mononuclear phagocytes in vitro and in vivo. Resting human monocytes expressed high levels of IL-1RII, IL-1R AcP, MyD88 and rsc786, whereas low levels of IL-1RI and T1/ST2 were present. In vitro exposure to LPS augmented expression of IL-1RI, T1/ST2 and MyD88, whereas it inhibited that of IL-1RII and rsc786. Expression of IL-1R AcP in monocytes was less substantially affected by LPS. The expression of IL-1R family members was also studied in organs of mice given LPS. As expected on the basis of in vitro results, organs (e.g. spleen, lungs and peritoneal exudate cells) from LPS-treated mice showed increased levels of IL-1RI, T1/ST2 and MyD88. Intriguingly, while expression of IL-1RII was inhibited in peritoneal macrophages after LPS, in accordance with in vitro results, increased IL-1RII mRNA was observed in organs such as liver, lungs and spleen. This unexpected effect of LPS was drastically reduced in mice rendered neutropenic by 5-fluorouracil. Therefore, we conclude that the apparent induction of IL-1RII in certain organs of LPS-treated mice is due to recruitment of myeloid cells which express high levels of decoy RII. Therefore, members of IL-1R family are independently and divergently regulated in mononuclear phagocytes exposed to the prototypic pro-inflammatory signal LPS in vitro and in vivo.
Copyright 1998 Academic Press.