Objective: This study reviews functionally and anatomically disruptive features of simple conjunctival orbital cysts.
Design: A case series review from four oculoplastic practices over 6 years.
Participants: Eleven patients with simple conjunctival cysts of the orbit were identified.
Intervention: All cysts were excised and evaluated histopathologically.
Main outcome measures: Assessment was made of the length of time from inciting event to presentation, preoperative and postoperative refractive state and ocular motility, the presence or absence of discomfort, and radiographic or clinical evidence of bone remodeling.
Results: Six of 11 cysts were presumed to be primary, unrelated to antecedent surgery or trauma. Four of 11 cysts were associated with pain or tenderness, 5 cysts induced ocular motility disturbance, 6 cysts caused observable globe distortion or refractive error change, and 6 cysts remodeled bone.
Conclusions: Simple conjunctival cysts of the orbit, traditionally regarded as low-pressure lesions with minimal structural impact, may induce considerable anatomic and functional disruption.