Multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) is one of the major factors for non-P-glycoprotein (PGp)-mediated multidrug resistance. We reported previously that overexpression of the MRP gene was related to the prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is unclear how MRP expression is regulated in NSCLC. In this study, we examined MRP and mutant p53 expression in 107 NSCLCs by immunohistochemical procedures. Forty-seven (43.9%) of these 107 NSCLCs were positive for MRP in the cytoplasm. Mutant p53-positive NSCLC showed a significant correlation with MRP overexpression (P=.011). Coexpression of MRP and p53 in the same cells of NSCLC was confirmed by double-staining procedures. Twenty-six patients with MRP-positive tumors who underwent postoperative chemotherapy with MRP-related anticancer drugs (vindesine and etoposide) had significantly poorer prognoses than did those with MRP-negative tumors (P=.017). This correlation between MRP expression and prognosis was also seen in Stage III patients (P=.022) and in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (P=.062). NSCLC patients with coexpression of MRP and p53 showed poorer prognoses than did those without MRP and p53 (P=.014). These results suggested that MRP overexpression affected by mutant p53 had a significant effect on prognosis through atypical non-PGp-mediated multidrug resistance in NSCLC.