Sixteen isolates of Pasteurella multocida were cultured from cases diagnosed as acute septicaemic pasteurellosis in Vietnamese pigs. The HSB-PCR assay provided rapid presumptive determination of 10 isolates of P. multocida identified as haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) causing type B cultures (B:2, B:5, B:2,5). Serological designation using the Carter and Heddleston typing systems confirmed these findings, and identified the six HSB-PCR negative cultures as either A:1, A:3 or D:3,4. Biochemical fermentation and REP-PCR revealed phenotypic and genotypic identity between P. multocida type A:1 isolated from Vietnamese pigs and poultry. Marked homogeneity was also demonstrated among HSB-PCR positive swine isolates, which were shown to possess genotypic identity with P. multocida type B:2 from buffaloes diagnosed with HS.